When I turned 15 I started my first job at McDonald's. My family does occasionally dine out in restaurants but not usually fast food. I choose to work mornings on my weekends and often started work at 6am, so I would arrive early and have breakfast before my shift. Eating there was a novelty for the first six months, but after that I would rather have my mother’s cooking any day.
Although I prefer eating at home, I became more aware of the clever ads that McDonald’s uses to creatively persuade people into having a meal at McDonald's. Many are aimed at children, some at the morning coffee crowd, meals with the family, and even the late night crowd.
The ad I selected was a baby made over as a Ronald McDonald. The baby was wrapped in a white blanket and with a soft focus on the outside of the picture. The ad says in small lettering in the upper right corner, “just opened” and the area, then further to the right it has the McDonald's emblem and the words, “I’m lovin’ it” underneath. It was very clever to show McDonald’s arrival in the area was like a new baby. That evokes caring feelings toward it. The persuasive techniques I recognized in the ad were:
Warm & Fuzzy- The use of a baby in a soft blanket with a softened lens appearance around the outside of the picture makes this ad fit into this category.
Association- The use of a baby helps you to correlate this with something new and the Roland McDonald clown face helps you to associate the ad with McDonald's.
Humor-The Ronald McDonald makeup on the baby was the advertiser’s use of humor.
Repetition- The slogan for McDonald’s is a song that say’s “I’m Lovin’ It” and it is repeated on all of their ads including this one.
I really found this interesting because I had never seen this ad before. I live in a small town where the only fastfood is Mcdonalds. They target towards everyone you are completely rigt!.